Event Calendar

Date Events
24 Oct 2024 3rd Quarter Results
19 Aug 2024 Ex-Dividend
29 Jul 2024 Half Year Results
24 Apr 2024 1st Quarter Results

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Oct 14, 2024
CapitaLand India Trust Achieves Top 5-Star Rating In 2024 GRESB Real Estate Assessment
Oct 10, 2024
Business Updates For The Third Quarter Ended 30 September 2024
Oct 07, 2024
USA Non-Deal Roadshow (October 2024)

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Financial Overview

First Half Year Results Ended 30 June 2024
Title File Type/Size
Financial Statement 1696 KB
Press Release 181 KB
Presentation Slides 6728 KB
Supplementary Info 500 KB

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Share Price

Quotes Updated End Of Day
Updated: 15 Oct 2024
* Change over preceding trading day
SGX Symbol: CY6U Currency: SGD
Last Done: 1.150 Volume ('000): 2,099.7
Change*: +0.010 % Change*: +0.877
Day's Range: 1.130 - 1.150 52 Weeks' Range: 0.950 - 1.180