Notice Of Record And Payment Date For Distribution For The Period From 1 January 2022 To 30 June 2022

BackAug 01, 2022
Announcement Title Cash Dividend/ Distribution
Date & Time of Broadcast Aug 1, 2022 6:13
Status New
Corporate Action Reference SG220801DVCAPLJX
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Hon Wei Seng
Designation Company Secretary
Dividend/ Distribution Number Not Applicable
Dividend/ Distribution Type Interim
Financial Year End 31/12/2022
Declared Dividend/ Distribution Rate (Per Share/ Unit) SGD 0.0428
Dividend/ Distribution Period 01/01/2022 TO 30/06/2022
Number of Days 181
Event Narrative
Narrative Type Narrative Text
Taxation Conditions The distribution will be tax exempt in the hands of all unitholders, regardless of their nationality, corporate identity or tax residence status.
Additional Text Please refer to the attachment for details.
Event Dates
Record Date and Time 23/08/2022 17:00:00
Ex Date 22/08/2022
Dividend Details
Payment Type Tax Exempted
Gross Rate (Per Share) SGD 0.0428
Net Rate (Per Share) SGD 0.0428
Pay Date 30/08/2022
Gross Rate Status Actual Rate

Applicable for REITs/ Business Trusts/ Stapled Securities


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